Lichens are beautiful and fascinating and mysterious. My love of them began around age 8 (I’m now 68), when a camp counselor pointed them out on a nature hike and explained what a symbiotic relationship was. I was spellbound and upon returning home had a lengthy conversation with my chemist father, who also had a love for all things in nature. That’s it, nothing more, no deep study into them, no complex understanding of them, just sheer fascination and joy when I see them. I introduced them to a granddaughter at age 4 (now 8) and when she finds specimens on vacations, she has her parents video her pointing them out. Makes my heart swell. I so wish I could knit, I’d be all over that sweater, but for now I mostly observe them in awe. Last year I gathered a bucketful (somewhat contaminated with bark) and decanted them in ammonia for 4 months before using the liquid to dye some wool and linen for appliqué. The wool turned the most beautiful mauve/lavender and the linen the same, but much lighter. My granddaughter and I used a hand carved lichen stamp from Evoke Supply Company to stamp the linen and created some mug rugs. You are not alone in your lichen journey. Enjoy every new discovery.

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Your lichen post is wonderful, Katie! I have a microscope lens to clip on my phone, and have been doing photos for my own lichen notebook...thanks to your inspiration! I'm already thinking about yarns to use when your lichen sweater pattern is done.

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I'm surrounded by trees and find many interesting Lichen on fallen branches. I've always found them to be so pretty and interesting and have some inside my screen porch but try to spray them, lightly hoping they won't dry out. Would love to see your finished Lichen sweater & all your Lichen drawings . So happy I'm not the only one that finds them fascinating !

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It charms and encourages me that you have made a practice or discipline out of a pleasurable effort... that isn't required either for a paycheck or to meet some other obligation. Likewise, the realization that one can declare one's own artist residency. Brilliant. The fact that I live in a land of moss and lichen only adds to the joy. Can't wait for new installments as you feel moved to share them!

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Very gentle enquiry: when will the Lichen Cardigan knitting pattern be published? I may have missed something, sometimes I am quite far down the creative rabbit hole. There were glimpses of it in podcasts awhile ago.....I am hoping to knit one as a Christmas present to myself!

I love looking at the beauty of the pattern and colours of lichen- I see so many on my walks around Frome. Thank you!

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Hi Mary, thank you for your message and especially the gentleness of it! I'm sorry I can't make your Christmas dreams come true though. All being well I'm hoping for a spring release of the Lichen Fancier cardigan, and it certainly won't be sooner than that. I'm sorry, but thank you for your patience!

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Thank you so much - I am looking forward to lichen knitting this coming spring. Xx

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